Friday, July 13, 2012

A little blessing.

First off I want to say thank you to all of my wonderful clients I've had so far. It has been such a blessing for me to have you all in my life. I have become friends with some, And they have all impacted my life in some way. I would like to give back to them. I know I do contests and such but not everyone is able to be on facebook so this time I want people to nominate families in need for a shoot but can't afford one themselves. I hope to choose wisely and I plan on giving a little blessing every so often. A little thank you to all of you who have helped me. This has been such a great new journey for me and I will keep you all involved in it. Once I choose a family I will share their story and the pictures. Please if you are able too pass little blessings on to those less fortunate. It's such a short life to live and you can't take everything with you when you go. Bless you to all that participate and help create dreams:) I will write again soon.!/pages/Jessica-Mae-Photography/249583235107744

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